Working together to deliver value with other professionals

Who we are: FOL Wealth (Wealth Management & Consulting Services)
FOL is a solution orientated, dynamic and wholly independent investment advisory firm providing holistic financial planning for affluent individuals, their families, businesses, and trustees to help them to manage, protect and pass on their wealth. 

What we do:

·        Retirement & Inheritance Tax Planning 
·        Investment Portfolio Management
·        Business Protection
·        Mortgages & Life Insurance  
·        Whole of Market independent Solutions. 
Where we do it - Based in the heart of London (Mayfair and Liverpool St), our Chartered advisor is flexible to meet, and to work with you, as suits you.
When we do it - Online portfolio access is 24/7 via our website. We are available at any times to suit you or your clients. 
Why we do it - Because we like having long term relationships and genuinely delight in people´s true prosperity, and seeing financial plans come to fruition.

We will be able to help your clients and we are happy to pay a referral fee. Please do get in touch, Our Chartered Financial Planner, Abi Ladele would love to hear from you and discuss the benefits of serving your clients.

For More Information Contact Us Today:

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Abi Ladele
Abi LadeleMSc, APFS, CertPFS (DM)
Abi Ladele
Abi LadeleMSc, APFS, CertPFS (DM)
Abi started at HSBC in 2006, offering a compelling insight on a range of topics, including asset allocation, investment strategies, market dynamics and wealth management.

Folwealth is the trading name of Abi Fol Consulting Limited which is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) No 613305
Registered in England and Wales number 08195342. Registered Office: One Mayfair Place, London W1J 8AJ
Abi Fol Consulting Limited is licensed as a credit broker and is not a lender. ICO Data Protection Number – Z3541229
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